Mission & Goals


DSC00537It is the mission of  ILAN –The Israel Foundation for Handicapped Children to enable Israelis with neuromuscular disabilities to enjoy the best quality of life possible, from the day of their birth and throughout their lives, by providing for their special needs and advancing their integration into society.


IMG_2077To accomplish its mission, ILAN pursues a set of goals that reflect ILAN’s belief that, along with physical rehabilitation, social rehabilitation is of the utmost importance in improving the self-esteem and general well-being of individuals with disabilities.  The goals of ILAN are

  1. To integrate each disabled person into a suitable educational, occupational, and/or residential structure.
  2. To integrate disabled persons into rehabilitative sports activities.
  3. To provide a range of social and recreational activities for the disabled.
  4. To conduct annual summer camps for disabled children in rural locations throughout Israel.
  5. To provide transportation in specialized vehicles so that disabled persons can access ILAN’s services and activities.
  6. To provide individual assistance for the purchase of rehabilitation devices and the financing of paramedical treatments.


IMG_2072In order to secure the maximum resources possible to provide for the rehabilitation and welfare of the disabled in Israel, ILAN cooperates closely with institutional, governmental, and public entities that share ILAN’s mission and goals.  These include the Office of the President of Israel, government ministries, municipalities, other non-profit organizations, community institutions, and the business sector.